Search Results: "p2"

19 May 2022

Agathe Porte: Status update, May 2022

Boing, time for another status update.
Debian work I have finally found how to make my fonts-creep2 package work on my Debian machines. The solution was to not use the TTF file that contains the Bitmap glyphs, but instead generate an OTB file, which is an OpenType format for Bitmap fonts. Creep2 font used in htop command This means that I can close the fonts-creep ITP bug altogether and rely on this fonts-creep2 package instead. Hopefully it will be reviewed and uploaded soon by a certified Debian Developer. This font is too small for daily usage, but imagine the quantity of data you could display on an auxiliary screen with poor resolution (and poor pixel density eventually). Here is a meme I created for the occasion: Hide the pain Harold meme. First: Package software and its gazillion dependencies. Second: Popcon says I'm the only user. Checks out.
Rust work I have obsoleted my most popular Rust crate, gladis. Screenshot of the Gladis Github README Indeed, the GTK folks have managed to develop a similar solution named CompositeTemplate, that is available in both gtk3-macros and gtk4-macros crates. I did not investigate from how long this has been available before I created this crate. Hopefully it did not exist before I developed it. I have learnt a lot about Rust crates development with this crate, and managed to put in place a semi-automated release flow that I will surely use in other future crates. See ya.

13 May 2022

Antoine Beaupr : BTRFS notes

I'm not a fan of BTRFS. This page serves as a reminder of why, but also a cheat sheet to figure out basic tasks in a BTRFS environment because those are not obvious to me, even after repeatedly having to deal with them. Content warning: there might be mentions of ZFS.

Stability concerns I'm worried about BTRFS stability, which has been historically ... changing. RAID-5 and RAID-6 are still marked unstable, for example. It's kind of a lucky guess whether your current kernel will behave properly with your planned workload. For example, in Linux 4.9, RAID-1 and RAID-10 were marked as "mostly OK" with a note that says:
Needs to be able to create two copies always. Can get stuck in irreversible read-only mode if only one copy can be made.
Even as of now, RAID-1 and RAID-10 has this note:
The simple redundancy RAID levels utilize different mirrors in a way that does not achieve the maximum performance. The logic can be improved so the reads will spread over the mirrors evenly or based on device congestion.
Granted, that's not a stability concern anymore, just performance. A reviewer of a draft of this article actually claimed that BTRFS only reads from one of the drives, which hopefully is inaccurate, but goes to show how confusing all this is. There are other warnings in the Debian wiki that are quite scary. Even the legendary Arch wiki has a warning on top of their BTRFS page, still. Even if those issues are now fixed, it can be hard to tell when they were fixed. There is a changelog by feature but it explicitly warns that it doesn't know "which kernel version it is considered mature enough for production use", so it's also useless for this. It would have been much better if BTRFS was released into the world only when those bugs were being completely fixed. Or that, at least, features were announced when they were stable, not just "we merged to mainline, good luck". Even now, we get mixed messages even in the official BTRFS documentation which says "The Btrfs code base is stable" (main page) while at the same time clearly stating unstable parts in the status page (currently RAID56). There are much harsher BTRFS critics than me out there so I will stop here, but let's just say that I feel a little uncomfortable trusting server data with full RAID arrays to BTRFS. But surely, for a workstation, things should just work smoothly... Right? Well, let's see the snags I hit.

My BTRFS test setup Before I go any further, I should probably clarify how I am testing BTRFS in the first place. The reason I tried BTRFS is that I was ... let's just say "strongly encouraged" by the LWN editors to install Fedora for the terminal emulators series. That, in turn, meant the setup was done with BTRFS, because that was somewhat the default in Fedora 27 (or did I want to experiment? I don't remember, it's been too long already). So Fedora was setup on my 1TB HDD and, with encryption, the partition table looks like this:
sda                      8:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
 sda1                   8:1    0   200M  0 part  /boot/efi
 sda2                   8:2    0     1G  0 part  /boot
 sda3                   8:3    0   7,8G  0 part  
   fedora_swap        253:5    0   7.8G  0 crypt [SWAP]
 sda4                   8:4    0 922,5G  0 part  
   fedora_crypt       253:4    0 922,5G  0 crypt /
(This might not entirely be accurate: I rebuilt this from the Debian side of things.) This is pretty straightforward, except for the swap partition: normally, I just treat swap like any other logical volume and create it in a logical volume. This is now just speculation, but I bet it was setup this way because "swap" support was only added in BTRFS 5.0. I fully expect BTRFS experts to yell at me now because this is an old setup and BTRFS is so much better now, but that's exactly the point here. That setup is not that old (2018? old? really?), and migrating to a new partition scheme isn't exactly practical right now. But let's move on to more practical considerations.

No builtin encryption BTRFS aims at replacing the entire mdadm, LVM, and ext4 stack with a single entity, and adding new features like deduplication, checksums and so on. Yet there is one feature it is critically missing: encryption. See, my typical stack is actually mdadm, LUKS, and then LVM and ext4. This is convenient because I have only a single volume to decrypt. If I were to use BTRFS on servers, I'd need to have one LUKS volume per-disk. For a simple RAID-1 array, that's not too bad: one extra key. But for large RAID-10 arrays, this gets really unwieldy. The obvious BTRFS alternative, ZFS, supports encryption out of the box and mixes it above the disks so you only have one passphrase to enter. The main downside of ZFS encryption is that it happens above the "pool" level so you can typically see filesystem names (and possibly snapshots, depending on how it is built), which is not the case with a more traditional stack.

Subvolumes, filesystems, and devices I find BTRFS's architecture to be utterly confusing. In the traditional LVM stack (which is itself kind of confusing if you're new to that stuff), you have those layers:
  • disks: let's say /dev/nvme0n1 and nvme1n1
  • RAID arrays with mdadm: let's say the above disks are joined in a RAID-1 array in /dev/md1
  • volume groups or VG with LVM: the above RAID device (technically a "physical volume" or PV) is assigned into a VG, let's call it vg_tbbuild05 (multiple PVs can be added to a single VG which is why there is that abstraction)
  • LVM logical volumes: out of that volume group actually "virtual partitions" or "logical volumes" are created, that is where your filesystem lives
  • filesystem, typically with ext4: that's your normal filesystem, which treats the logical volume as just another block device
A typical server setup would look like this:
nvme0n1                   259:0    0   1.7T  0 disk  
 nvme0n1p1               259:1    0     8M  0 part  
 nvme0n1p2               259:2    0   512M  0 part  
   md0                     9:0    0   511M  0 raid1 /boot
 nvme0n1p3               259:3    0   1.7T  0 part  
   md1                     9:1    0   1.7T  0 raid1 
     crypt_dev_md1       253:0    0   1.7T  0 crypt 
       vg_tbbuild05-root 253:1    0    30G  0 lvm   /
       vg_tbbuild05-swap 253:2    0 125.7G  0 lvm   [SWAP]
       vg_tbbuild05-srv  253:3    0   1.5T  0 lvm   /srv
 nvme0n1p4               259:4    0     1M  0 part
I stripped the other nvme1n1 disk because it's basically the same. Now, if we look at my BTRFS-enabled workstation, which doesn't even have RAID, we have the following:
  • disk: /dev/sda with, again, /dev/sda4 being where BTRFS lives
  • filesystem: fedora_crypt, which is, confusingly, kind of like a volume group. it's where everything lives. i think.
  • subvolumes: home, root, /, etc. those are actually the things that get mounted. you'd think you'd mount a filesystem, but no, you mount a subvolume. that is backwards.
It looks something like this to lsblk:
sda                      8:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
 sda1                   8:1    0   200M  0 part  /boot/efi
 sda2                   8:2    0     1G  0 part  /boot
 sda3                   8:3    0   7,8G  0 part  [SWAP]
 sda4                   8:4    0 922,5G  0 part  
   fedora_crypt       253:4    0 922,5G  0 crypt /srv
Notice how we don't see all the BTRFS volumes here? Maybe it's because I'm mounting this from the Debian side, but lsblk definitely gets confused here. I frankly don't quite understand what's going on, even after repeatedly looking around the rather dismal documentation. But that's what I gather from the following commands:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# btrfs filesystem show
Label: 'fedora'  uuid: 5abb9def-c725-44ef-a45e-d72657803f37
    Total devices 1 FS bytes used 883.29GiB
    devid    1 size 922.47GiB used 916.47GiB path /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt
root@curie:/home/anarcat# btrfs subvolume list /srv
ID 257 gen 108092 top level 5 path home
ID 258 gen 108094 top level 5 path root
ID 263 gen 108020 top level 258 path root/var/lib/machines
I only got to that point through trial and error. Notice how I use an existing mountpoint to list the related subvolumes. If I try to use the filesystem path, the one that's listed in filesystem show, I fail:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# btrfs subvolume list /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt 
ERROR: not a btrfs filesystem: /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt
ERROR: can't access '/dev/mapper/fedora_crypt'
Maybe I just need to use the label? Nope:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# btrfs subvolume list fedora
ERROR: cannot access 'fedora': No such file or directory
ERROR: can't access 'fedora'
This is really confusing. I don't even know if I understand this right, and I've been staring at this all afternoon. Hopefully, the lazyweb will correct me eventually. (As an aside, why are they called "subvolumes"? If something is a "sub" of "something else", that "something else" must exist right? But no, BTRFS doesn't have "volumes", it only has "subvolumes". Go figure. Presumably the filesystem still holds "files" though, at least empirically it doesn't seem like it lost anything so far. In any case, at least I can refer to this section in the future, the next time I fumble around the btrfs commandline, as I surely will. I will possibly even update this section as I get better at it, or based on my reader's judicious feedback.

Mounting BTRFS subvolumes So how did I even get to that point? I have this in my /etc/fstab, on the Debian side of things:
UUID=5abb9def-c725-44ef-a45e-d72657803f37   /srv    btrfs  defaults 0   2
This thankfully ignores all the subvolume nonsense because it relies on the UUID. mount tells me that's actually the "root" (? /?) subvolume:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# mount   grep /srv
/dev/mapper/fedora_crypt on /srv type btrfs (rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=5,subvol=/)
Let's see if I can mount the other volumes I have on there. Remember that subvolume list showed I had home, root, and var/lib/machines. Let's try root:
mount -o subvol=root /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt /mnt
Interestingly, root is not the same as /, it's a different subvolume! It seems to be the Fedora root (/, really) filesystem. No idea what is happening here. I also have a home subvolume, let's mount it too, for good measure:
mount -o subvol=home /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt /mnt/home
Note that lsblk doesn't notice those two new mountpoints, and that's normal: it only lists block devices and subvolumes (rather inconveniently, I'd say) do not show up as devices:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# lsblk 
sda                      8:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
 sda1                   8:1    0   200M  0 part  
 sda2                   8:2    0     1G  0 part  
 sda3                   8:3    0   7,8G  0 part  
 sda4                   8:4    0 922,5G  0 part  
   fedora_crypt       253:4    0 922,5G  0 crypt /srv
This is really, really confusing. Maybe I did something wrong in the setup. Maybe it's because I'm mounting it from outside Fedora. Either way, it just doesn't feel right.

No disk usage per volume If you want to see what's taking up space in one of those subvolumes, tough luck:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# df -h  /srv /mnt /mnt/home
Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/fedora_crypt  923G  886G   31G  97% /srv
/dev/mapper/fedora_crypt  923G  886G   31G  97% /mnt
/dev/mapper/fedora_crypt  923G  886G   31G  97% /mnt/home
(Notice, in passing, that it looks like the same filesystem is mounted in different places. In that sense, you'd expect /srv and /mnt (and /mnt/home?!) to be exactly the same, but no: they are entirely different directory structures, which I will not call "filesystems" here because everyone's head will explode in sparks of confusion.) Yes, disk space is shared (that's the Size and Avail columns, makes sense). But nope, no cookie for you: they all have the same Used columns, so you need to actually walk the entire filesystem to figure out what each disk takes. (For future reference, that's basically:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# time du -schx /mnt/home /mnt /srv
124M    /mnt/home
7.5G    /mnt
875G    /srv
883G    total
real    2m49.080s
user    0m3.664s
sys 0m19.013s
And yes, that was painfully slow.) ZFS actually has some oddities in that regard, but at least it tells me how much disk each volume (and snapshot) takes:
root@tubman:~# time df -t zfs -h
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/debian  3.5T  1.4G  3.5T   1% /
rpool/var/tmp      3.5T  384K  3.5T   1% /var/tmp
rpool/var/spool    3.5T  256K  3.5T   1% /var/spool
rpool/var/log      3.5T  2.0G  3.5T   1% /var/log
rpool/home/root    3.5T  2.2G  3.5T   1% /root
rpool/home         3.5T  256K  3.5T   1% /home
rpool/srv          3.5T   80G  3.5T   3% /srv
rpool/var/cache    3.5T  114M  3.5T   1% /var/cache
bpool/BOOT/debian  571M   90M  481M  16% /boot
real    0m0.003s
user    0m0.002s
sys 0m0.000s
That's 56360 times faster, by the way. But yes, that's not fair: those in the know will know there's a different command to do what df does with BTRFS filesystems, the btrfs filesystem usage command:
root@curie:/home/anarcat# time btrfs filesystem usage /srv
    Device size:         922.47GiB
    Device allocated:        916.47GiB
    Device unallocated:        6.00GiB
    Device missing:          0.00B
    Used:            884.97GiB
    Free (estimated):         30.84GiB  (min: 27.84GiB)
    Free (statfs, df):        30.84GiB
    Data ratio:               1.00
    Metadata ratio:           2.00
    Global reserve:      512.00MiB  (used: 0.00B)
    Multiple profiles:              no
Data,single: Size:906.45GiB, Used:881.61GiB (97.26%)
   /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt  906.45GiB
Metadata,DUP: Size:5.00GiB, Used:1.68GiB (33.58%)
   /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt   10.00GiB
System,DUP: Size:8.00MiB, Used:128.00KiB (1.56%)
   /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt   16.00MiB
   /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt    6.00GiB
real    0m0,004s
user    0m0,000s
sys 0m0,004s
Almost as fast as ZFS's df! Good job. But wait. That doesn't actually tell me usage per subvolume. Notice it's filesystem usage, not subvolume usage, which unhelpfully refuses to exist. That command only shows that one "filesystem" internal statistics that are pretty opaque.. You can also appreciate that it's wasting 6GB of "unallocated" disk space there: I probably did something Very Wrong and should be punished by Hacker News. I also wonder why it has 1.68GB of "metadata" used... At this point, I just really want to throw that thing out of the window and restart from scratch. I don't really feel like learning the BTRFS internals, as they seem oblique and completely bizarre to me. It feels a little like the state of PHP now: it's actually pretty solid, but built upon so many layers of cruft that I still feel it corrupts my brain every time I have to deal with it (needle or haystack first? anyone?)...

Conclusion I find BTRFS utterly confusing and I'm worried about its reliability. I think a lot of work is needed on usability and coherence before I even consider running this anywhere else than a lab, and that's really too bad, because there are really nice features in BTRFS that would greatly help my workflow. (I want to use filesystem snapshots as high-performance, high frequency backups.) So now I'm experimenting with OpenZFS. It's so much simpler, just works, and it's rock solid. After this 8 minute read, I had a good understanding of how ZFS worked. Here's the 30 seconds overview:
  • vdev: a RAID array
  • vpool: a volume group of vdevs
  • datasets: normal filesystems (or block device, if you want to use another filesystem on top of ZFS)
There's also other special volumes like caches and logs that you can (really easily, compared to LVM caching) use to tweak your setup. You might also want to look at recordsize or ashift to tweak the filesystem to fit better your workload (or deal with drives lying about their sector size, I'm looking at you Samsung), but that's it. Running ZFS on Linux currently involves building kernel modules from scratch on every host, which I think is pretty bad. But I was able to setup a ZFS-only server using this excellent documentation without too much problem. I'm hoping some day the copyright issues are resolved and we can at least ship binary packages, but the politics (e.g. convincing Debian that is the right thing to do) and the logistics (e.g. DKMS auto-builders? is that even a thing? how about signed DKMS packages? fun-fun-fun!) seem really impractical. Who knows, maybe hell will freeze over (again) and Oracle will fix the CDDL. I personally think that we should just completely ignore this problem (which wasn't even supposed to be a problem) and ship binary packages directly, but I'm a pragmatic and do not always fit well with the free software fundamentalists. All of this to say that, short term, we don't have a reliable, advanced filesystem/logical disk manager in Linux. And that's really too bad.

10 May 2022

Melissa Wen: Multiple syncobjs support for V3D(V) (Part 2)

In the previous post, I described how we enable multiple syncobjs capabilities in the V3D kernel driver. Now I will tell you what was changed on the userspace side, where we reworked the V3DV sync mechanisms to use Vulkan multiple wait and signal semaphores directly. This change represents greater adherence to the Vulkan submission framework. I was not used to Vulkan concepts and the V3DV driver. Fortunately, I counted on the guidance of the Igalia s Graphics team, mainly Iago Toral (thanks!), to understand the Vulkan Graphics Pipeline, sync scopes, and submission order. Therefore, we changed the original V3DV implementation for vkQueueSubmit and all related functions to allow direct mapping of multiple semaphores from V3DV to the V3D-kernel interface. Disclaimer: Here s a brief and probably inaccurate background, which we ll go into more detail later on. In Vulkan, GPU work submissions are described as command buffers. These command buffers, with GPU jobs, are grouped in a command buffer submission batch, specified by vkSubmitInfo, and submitted to a queue for execution. vkQueueSubmit is the command called to submit command buffers to a queue. Besides command buffers, vkSubmitInfo also specifies semaphores to wait before starting the batch execution and semaphores to signal when all command buffers in the batch are complete. Moreover, a fence in vkQueueSubmit can be signaled when all command buffer batches have completed execution. From this sequence, we can see some implicit ordering guarantees. Submission order defines the start order of execution between command buffers, in other words, it is determined by the order in which pSubmits appear in VkQueueSubmit and pCommandBuffers appear in VkSubmitInfo. However, we don t have any completion guarantees for jobs submitted to different GPU queue, which means they may overlap and complete out of order. Of course, jobs submitted to the same GPU engine follow start and finish order. A fence is ordered after all semaphores signal operations for signal operation order. In addition to implicit sync, we also have some explicit sync resources, such as semaphores, fences, and events. Considering these implicit and explicit sync mechanisms, we rework the V3DV implementation of queue submissions to better use multiple syncobjs capabilities from the kernel. In this merge request, you can find this work: v3dv: add support to multiple wait and signal semaphores. In this blog post, we run through each scope of change of this merge request for a V3D driver-guided description of the multisync support implementation.

Groundwork and basic code clean-up: As the original V3D-kernel interface allowed only one semaphore, V3DV resorted to booleans to translate multiple semaphores into one. Consequently, if a command buffer batch had at least one semaphore, it needed to wait on all jobs submitted complete before starting its execution. So, instead of just boolean, we created and changed structs that store semaphores information to accept the actual list of wait semaphores.

Expose multisync kernel interface to the driver: In the two commits below, we basically updated the DRM V3D interface from that one defined in the kernel and verified if the multisync capability is available for use.

Handle multiple semaphores for all GPU job types: At this point, we were only changing the submission design to consider multiple wait semaphores. Before supporting multisync, V3DV was waiting for the last job submitted to be signaled when at least one wait semaphore was defined, even when serialization wasn t required. V3DV handle GPU jobs according to the GPU queue in which they are submitted:
  • Control List (CL) for binning and rendering
  • Texture Formatting Unit (TFU)
  • Compute Shader Dispatch (CSD)
Therefore, we changed their submission setup to do jobs submitted to any GPU queues able to handle more than one wait semaphores. These commits created all mechanisms to set arrays of wait and signal semaphores for GPU job submissions:
  • Checking the conditions to define the wait_stage.
  • Wrapping them in a multisync extension.
  • According to the kernel interface (described in the previous blog post), configure the generic extension as a multisync extension.
Finally, we extended the ability of GPU jobs to handle multiple signal semaphores, but at this point, no GPU job is actually in charge of signaling them. With this in place, we could rework part of the code that tracks CPU and GPU job completions by verifying the GPU status and threads spawned by Event jobs.

Rework the QueueWaitIdle mechanism to track the syncobj of the last job submitted in each queue: As we had only single in/out syncobj interfaces for semaphores, we used a single last_job_sync to synchronize job dependencies of the previous submission. Although the DRM scheduler guarantees the order of starting to execute a job in the same queue in the kernel space, the order of completion isn t predictable. On the other hand, we still needed to use syncobjs to follow job completion since we have event threads on the CPU side. Therefore, a more accurate implementation requires last_job syncobjs to track when each engine (CL, TFU, and CSD) is idle. We also needed to keep the driver working on previous versions of v3d kernel-driver with single semaphores, then we kept tracking ANY last_job_sync to preserve the previous implementation.

Rework synchronization and submission design to let the jobs handle wait and signal semaphores: With multiple semaphores support, the conditions for waiting and signaling semaphores changed accordingly to the particularities of each GPU job (CL, CSD, TFU) and CPU job restrictions (Events, CSD indirect, etc.). In this sense, we redesigned V3DV semaphores handling and job submissions for command buffer batches in vkQueueSubmit. We scrutinized possible scenarios for submitting command buffer batches to change the original implementation carefully. It resulted in three commits more: We keep track of whether we have submitted a job to each GPU queue (CSD, TFU, CL) and a CPU job for each command buffer. We use syncobjs to track the last job submitted to each GPU queue and a flag that indicates if this represents the beginning of a command buffer. The first GPU job submitted to a GPU queue in a command buffer should wait on wait semaphores. The first CPU job submitted in a command buffer should call v3dv_QueueWaitIdle() to do the waiting and ignore semaphores (because it is waiting for everything). If the job is not the first but has the serialize flag set, it should wait on the completion of all last job submitted to any GPU queue before running. In practice, it means using syncobjs to track the last job submitted by queue and add these syncobjs as job dependencies of this serialized job. If this job is the last job of a command buffer batch, it may be used to signal semaphores if this command buffer batch has only one type of GPU job (because we have guarantees of execution ordering). Otherwise, we emit a no-op job just to signal semaphores. It waits on the completion of all last jobs submitted to any GPU queue and then signal semaphores. Note: We changed this approach to correctly deal with ordering changes caused by event threads at some point. Whenever we have an event job in the command buffer, we cannot use the last job in the last command buffer assumption. We have to wait all event threads complete to signal After submitting all command buffers, we emit a no-op job to wait on all last jobs by queue completion and signal fence. Note: at some point, we changed this approach to correct deal with ordering changes caused by event threads, as mentioned before.

Final considerations With many changes and many rounds of reviews, the patchset was merged. After more validations and code review, we polished and fixed the implementation together with external contributions: Also, multisync capabilities enabled us to add new features to V3DV and switch the driver to the common synchronization and submission framework:
  • v3dv: expose support for semaphore imports
    This was waiting for multisync support in the v3d kernel, which is already available. Exposing this feature however enabled a few more CTS tests that exposed pre-existing bugs in the user-space driver so we fix those here before exposing the feature.
  • v3dv: Switch to the common submit framework
    This should give you emulated timeline semaphores for free and kernel-assisted sharable timeline semaphores for cheap once you have the kernel interface wired in.
We used a set of games to ensure no performance regression in the new implementation. For this, we used GFXReconstruct to capture Vulkan API calls when playing those games. Then, we compared results with and without multisync caps in the kernelspace and also enabling multisync on v3dv. We didn t observe any compromise in performance, but improvements when replaying scenes of vkQuake game.

26 April 2022

Tim Retout: Exploring StackRox

At the end of March, the source code to StackRox was released, following the 2021 acquisition by Red Hat. StackRox is a Kubernetes security tool which is now badged as Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (RHACS), offering features such as vulnerability management, validating cluster configurations against CIS benchmarks, and some runtime behaviour analysis. In fact, it s such a diverse range of features that I have trouble getting my head round it from the product page or even the documentation. Source code is available via the StackRox organisation on GitHub, and the most obviously interesting repositories seem to be: My initial curiosity has been around the collector , to better understand what runtime behaviour the tool can actually pick up. I was intrigued to find that the actual kernel component is a patched version of Falco s kernel module/eBPF probes; a few features are disabled compared to Falco, e.g. page faults and signal events. There s a list of supported syscalls in driver/syscall_table.c, which seems to have drifted slightly or be slightly behind the upstream Falco version? In particular I note the absence of io_uring, but given RHACS is mainly deployed on Linux 4.18 at the moment (RHEL 8) this is probably a non-issue. (But relevant if anyone were to run it on newer kernels.) That s as far as I ve got for now. Red Hat are making great efforts to reach out to the community; there s a Slack channel, and office hours recordings, and a community hub to explore further. It s great to see new free software projects created through acquisition in this way - I m not sure I remember seeing a comparable example.

12 April 2022

Sven Hoexter: Emulating Raspi2 like hardware with RaspiOS in 2022

Update of my notes from 2020.
# Download a binary device tree file and matching kernel a good soul uploaded to github
# Download the official Rasbian image without X
unxz 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img.xz
# Convert it from the raw image to a qcow2 image and add some space
qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img rasbian.qcow2
qemu-img resize rasbian.qcow2 4G
# make sure we get a user account setup
echo "me:$(echo 'test123' openssl passwd -6 -stdin)" > userconf
sudo guestmount -a rasbian.qcow2 -m /dev/sda1 /mnt
sudo mv userconf /mnt
sudo guestunmount /mnt
# start qemu
qemu-system-arm -m 2048M -M vexpress-a15 -cpu cortex-a15 \
 -kernel kernel-qemu-4.4.1-vexpress -no-reboot \
 -smp 2 -serial stdio \
 -dtb vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb -sd rasbian.qcow2 \
 -append "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyAMA0,15200 loglevel=8" \
 -nic user,hostfwd=tcp::5555-:22
# login at the serial console as user me with password test123
sudo -i
# enable ssh
systemctl enable ssh
systemctl start ssh
# resize partition and filesystem
parted /dev/mmcblk0 resizepart 2 100%
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
Now I can login via ssh and start to play:
ssh me@localhost -p 5555

1 April 2022

Russell Coker: Converting to UEFI

When I got my HP ML110 Gen9 working as a workstation I initially was under the impression that boot wasn t supported on NVMe and booted it from USB. I found USB booting with legacy boot to be unreliable so decided to try EFI booting and noticed that the NVMe devices were boot candidates with UEFI. Making one of them bootable was more complex than expected because no-one seems to have documented such things. So here s my documentation, it s not great but this method has worked once for me. Before starting major partitioning work it s best to run parted -l and save the output to a file, that can allow you to recreate partitions if you corrupt them. One thing I m doing on systems I manage is putting @reboot /usr/sbin/parted -l > /root/parted.log in the root crontab, then when the system is backed up the backup server gets any recent changes to partitioning (I don t backup /var/log on all my systems). Firstly run parted on the device to create the EFI and /boot partitions, note that if you want to copy and paste from this you must do so one line at a time, a block paste seemed to confuse parted.
mklabel gpt
mkpart EFI fat32 1 99
mkpart boot ext3 99 300
toggle 1 boot
toggle 1 esp
# Model: CT1000P1SSD8 (nvme)
# Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 1000GB
# Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
# Partition Table: gpt
# Disk Flags: 
# Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name  Flags
#  1      1049kB  98.6MB  97.5MB  fat32        EFI   boot, esp
#  2      98.6MB  300MB   201MB   ext3         boot
Here are the commands needed to create the filesystems and install the necessary files. This is almost to the stage of being scriptable. Some minor changes need to be made to convert from NVMe device names to SATA/SAS but nothing serious.
mkfs.vfat /dev/nvme1n1p1
mkfs.ext3 -N 1000 /dev/nvme1n1p2
file -s /dev/nvme1n1p2   sed -e s/^.*UUID/UUID/ -e "s/ .*$/ \/boot ext3 noatime 0 1/" >> /etc/fstab
file -s /dev/nvme1n1p1   tr "[a-f]" "[A-F]"  sed -e s/^.*numBEr.0x/UUID=/ -e "s/, .*$/ \/boot\/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1/" >> /etc/fstab
# edit /etc/fstab to put a hyphen between the 2 groups of 4 chars for the VFAT filesystem UUID
mount /boot
mkdir -p /boot/efi /boot/grub
mount /boot/efi
mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/debian
apt install efibootmgr shim-unsigned grub-efi-amd64
cp /usr/lib/shim/* /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/monolithic/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/debian
file -s /dev/nvme1n1p2   sed -e "s/^.*UUID=/search.fs_uuid /" -e "s/ .needs.*$/ root hd0,gpt2/" > /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
echo "set prefix=(\$root)'/boot/grub'" >> /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
echo "configfile \$prefix/grub.cfg" >> /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
If someone would like to make a script that can handle the different partition names of regular SCSI/SATA disks, NVMe, CCISS, etc then that would be great. It would be good to have a script in Debian that creates the partitions and sets up the EFI files. If you want to have a second bootable device then the following commands will copy a GPT partition table and give it new UUIDs, make very certain that $DISKB is the one you want to be wiped and refer to my previous mention of parted -l . Also note that parted has a rescue command which works very well.
sgdisk /dev/$DISKA -R /dev/$DISKB 
sgdisk -G /dev/$DISKB
To backup a GPT partition table run a command like this. Note that if sgdisk is told to backup a MBR partitioned disk it will say Found invalid GPT and valid MBR; converting MBR to GPT forma which is probably a viable way of converting MBR format to GPT.
sgdisk -b sda.bak /dev/sda

5 March 2022

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in February 2022

Welcome to the February 2022 report from the Reproducible Builds project. In these reports, we try to round-up the important things we and others have been up to over the past month. As ever, if you are interested in contributing to the project, please visit our Contribute page on our website.
Jiawen Xiong, Yong Shi, Boyuan Chen, Filipe R. Cogo and Zhen Ming Jiang have published a new paper titled Towards Build Verifiability for Java-based Systems (PDF). The abstract of the paper contains the following:
Various efforts towards build verifiability have been made to C/C++-based systems, yet the techniques for Java-based systems are not systematic and are often specific to a particular build tool (eg. Maven). In this study, we present a systematic approach towards build verifiability on Java-based systems.

GitBOM is a flexible scheme to track the source code used to generate build artifacts via Git-like unique identifiers. Although the project has been active for a while, the community around GitBOM has now started running weekly community meetings.
The paper Chris Lamb and Stefano Zacchiroli is now available in the March/April 2022 issue of IEEE Software. Titled Reproducible Builds: Increasing the Integrity of Software Supply Chains (PDF), the abstract of the paper contains the following:
We first define the problem, and then provide insight into the challenges of making real-world software build in a reproducible manner-this is, when every build generates bit-for-bit identical results. Through the experience of the Reproducible Builds project making the Debian Linux distribution reproducible, we also describe the affinity between reproducibility and quality assurance (QA).

In openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann posted his monthly reproducible builds status report.
On our mailing list this month, Thomas Schmitt started a thread around the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification related to formats that cannot help embedding potentially timezone-specific timestamp. (Full thread index.)
The Yocto Project is pleased to report that it s core metadata (OpenEmbedded-Core) is now reproducible for all recipes (100% coverage) after issues with newer languages such as Golang were resolved. This was announced in their recent Year in Review publication. It is of particular interest for security updates so that systems can have specific components updated but reducing the risk of other unintended changes and making the sections of the system changing very clear for audit. The project is now also making heavy use of equivalence of build output to determine whether further items in builds need to be rebuilt or whether cached previously built items can be used. As mentioned in the article above, there are now public servers sharing this equivalence information. Reproducibility is key in making this possible and effective to reduce build times/costs/resource usage.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Not only can it locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it can provide human-readable diffs from many kinds of binary formats. This month, Chris Lamb prepared and uploaded versions 203, 204, 205 and 206 to Debian unstable, as well as made the following changes to the code itself:
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix a file(1)-related regression where Debian .changes files that contained non-ASCII text were not identified as such, therefore resulting in seemingly arbitrary packages not actually comparing the nested files themselves. The non-ASCII parts were typically in the Maintainer or in the changelog text. [ ][ ]
    • Fix a regression when comparing directories against non-directories. [ ][ ]
    • If we fail to scan using binwalk, return False from BinwalkFile.recognizes. [ ]
    • If we fail to import binwalk, don t report that we are missing the Python rpm module! [ ]
  • Testsuite improvements:
    • Add a test for recent file(1) issue regarding .changes files. [ ]
    • Use our assert_diff utility where we can within the set of tests. [ ]
    • Don t run our binwalk-related tests as root or fakeroot. The latest version of binwalk has some new security protection against this. [ ]
  • Codebase improvements:
    • Drop the _PATH suffix from module-level globals that are not paths. [ ]
    • Tidy some control flow in Difference._reverse_self. [ ]
    • Don t print a warning to the console regarding NT_GNU_BUILD_ID changes. [ ]
In addition, Mattia Rizzolo updated the Debian packaging to ensure that diffoscope and diffoscope-minimal packages have the same version. [ ]

Website updates There were quite a few changes to the Reproducible Builds website and documentation this month as well, including:
  • Chris Lamb:
    • Considerably rework the Who is involved? page. [ ][ ]
    • Move the Bash/shell script into a Python script. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Daniel Shahaf:
    • Try a different Markdown footnote content syntax to work around a rendering issue. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Make a huge number of changes to the Who is involved? page, including pre-populating a large number of contributors who cannot be identified from the metadata of the website itself. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve linking to sponsors in sidebar navigation. [ ]
    • drop sponsors paragraph as the navigation is clearer now. [ ]
    • Add Mullvad VPN as a bronze-level sponsor . [ ][ ]
  • Vagrant Cascadian:

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. February s patches included the following:

Testing framework The Reproducible Builds project runs a significant testing framework at, to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. This month, the following changes were made:
  • Daniel Golle:
    • Update the OpenWrt configuration to not depend on the host LLVM, adding lines to the .config seed to build LLVM for eBPF from source. [ ]
    • Preserve more OpenWrt-related build artifacts. [ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
  • Temporary use a different Git tree when building OpenWrt as our tests had been broken since September 2020. This was reverted after the patch in question was accepted by Paul Spooren into the canonical openwrt.git repository the next day.
    • Various improvements to debugging OpenWrt reproducibility. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Ignore useradd warnings when building packages. [ ]
    • Update the script to powercycle armhf architecture nodes to add a hint to where nodes named virt-*. [ ]
    • Update the node health check to also fix failed logrotate and man-db services. [ ]
  • Mattia Rizzolo:
    • Update the website job after script was rewritten in Python. [ ]
    • Make sure to set the DIFFOSCOPE environment variable when available. [ ]
  • Vagrant Cascadian:
    • Various updates to the diffoscope timeouts. [ ][ ][ ]
Node maintenance was also performed by Holger Levsen [ ] and Vagrant Cascadian [ ].

Finally If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

3 March 2022

Ian Jackson: 3D printed hard case for Fairphone 4

About 4 years ago, I posted about making a 3D printed case for my then-new phone. The FP2 was already a few years old when I got one and by now, some spares are unavailable - which is a problem, because I'm terribly hard on hardware. Indeed, that's why I need a very sturdy case for my phone - a case which can be ablative when necessary. With the arrival of my new Fairphone 4, I've updated my case design. Sadly the FP4 doesn't have a notification LED - I guess we're supposed to be glued to the screen and leaving the phone ignored in a corner unless it lights up is forbidden. But that does at least make the printing simpler, as there's no need for a window for the LED. Source code:;a=blob;f=fairphone4-case.scad;h=1738612c2aafcd4ee4ea6b8d1d14feffeba3b392;hb=629359238b2938366dc6e526d30a2a7ddec5a1b0 And the diagrams (which are part of the source, although I didn't update them for the FP4 changes:;a=tree;f=fairphone-case;h=65f423399cbcfd3cf24265ed3216e6b4c0b26c20;hb=07e1723c88a294d68637bb2ca3eac388d2a0b5d4 ( big pictures )

comment count unavailable comments

26 February 2022

Thomas Koch: Corona Plandemic

Posted on February 26, 2022
Tags: debian, life, peace
This is a short statement on what I understand about Covid-19 and the current situation so that I can refer to it in other posts and don t need to repeat myself. What I do, think and eventually write is heavily influenced by this understanding, as outlined futher below. Also I want to set a counterpoint to the people that still publicly proclaim the official narrative. On November 15th 2020 I already wrote an email to debian-private@ with the subject Basic information about Corona in German that referred to my information collection on that topic. Since then my understanding has refined but not fundamentally changed: I m happy to talk in detail about this topic and provide pointers. Right now a comprehensive overview is available at Why is this relevant? The internet in its current state is an instrument of control and suppression. This becomes especially obvious in the increase in censorship and the introduction of vaccine-passports which are planned to become universal passports for all aspects of our life. Therefor I want to work on initiatives for a free internet for the people. Right now I think about the freedombox, distributed search engines, re-decentralization in general and especially a decentralized alternative to Wikipedia.

2 February 2022

Norbert Preining: Mechanical keyboards: Pulsar PCMK

Mechanical keyboards the big fat rabbit hole you can disappear I started using mechanical keyboards about a year ago, with a Drevo Blademaster Pro (review coming up), but recently got a Pulsar PCML TKL keyboard in a build-it-yourself order.
The Drevo Blademaster Pro I am using is great, but doesn t allow changing switches at all. So I was contemplating getting a mechanical keyboard that allows for arbitrary switches. My biggest problem here is that I am used to the Japanese JIS layout which gives you a lot more keys which come in extremely handy in Emacs or when typing various languages. Fortunately, APlusX a Korean company manufactures a lot of gear under the Pulsar name, and supports also JIS layout. In addition, they have a great web site to customize your keyboard (layout, color, switch, keycaps) and send you a build-yourself kit for a very reasonable prize at least in Japan. So I got my first keyboard to put together myself . how was I nervous getting all the stuff out! Despite being a DIY keyboard, it is very easy (and they offer also pre-assembly options, too!). You don t need to solder the PCB or similar, the steps are more or less: (i) put in the switches, and (ii) add the key caps. I started with the first, putting the switches (I went with Kailh Box Brown tactile ones) into the PCB board
Well, that was easy at least I thought until I started testing the keys and realized that about 20 of them didn t work!! Pulling out the switches again I saw that I twisted a pin on each of them. One by one I straightened the pins and reinserted them very carefully. Lesson learned! At the end all the switches were on the board and reacted to key presses. Next step was adding the key caps. Again, those are not really special key caps, but simply style and sufficient for me. Of course I messed up 0 and O (which have different heights) and at first were confused about different arrow options etc, but since plugging in and pulling out key caps is very easy, at the end all the caps were in place.
With the final keyboard assembled (see top photo), I connected it to my Linux system and started typing around. And first of all, the typing experience was nice. The Kailh Box Brown switches have a bit stronger actuation point then the switches I have in the Blademaster Pro (which are Cherry MX Brown ones), but above all the sound is a bit deeper and thumbier , which really gives a nice feeling. The keyboard also allows changing the RGB lightening via the keyboard (color, pattern, speed, brightness etc). There is a configuration software for macros etc, unfortunately it only works on Windows (and I couldn t get it to work with Wine, either), a sour point One more negative point is that the LED backlight doesn t have a timeout, that is, it stays on all the time. The Drevo I have turns off after a configured number of seconds, and turns completely black something I really like and miss on the Pulsar. Another difference to the Blademaster is connectivity: While the Blademaster offers cable, bluetooth, and wireless (with dongle), the Pulsar only offers cable (USB-C). Not a real deal-breaker for me, since I use it at my desktop and really don t need wireless/bluetooth capabilities, but still. I have been using the Pulsar now for a few days without even touching the Drevo (besides comparing typing sounds and actuation points), and really like the Pulsar. I think it is hard to get a fully configurable and changeable mechanical keyboard for a similar prize. There is one last thing that I really really miss an ergonomic mechanical keyboard. Of course there are some, like the ErgoDox EZ or the Kinesis Advantage 2, but they don t offer JIS layout (and are very expensive). Then there is the Truly Ergonomic CLEAVE keyboard, which is really great, but quite expensive. I guess I have to dive down the rabbit hole even more and make my own PCB and ergonomic keyboard!

26 January 2022

Timo Jyrinki: Unboxing Dell XPS 13 - openSUSE Tumbleweed alongside preinstalled Ubuntu

A look at the 2021 model of Dell XPS 13 - available with Linux pre-installed
I received a new laptop for work - a Dell XPS 13. Dell has been long famous for offering certain models with pre-installed Linux as a supported option, and opting for those is nice for moving some euros/dollars from certain PC desktop OS monopoly towards Linux desktop engineering costs. Notably Lenovo also offers Ubuntu and Fedora options on many models these days (like Carbon X1 and P15 Gen 2).
black box

opened box

accessories and a leaflet about Linux support

laptop lifted from the box, closed

laptop with lid open

Ubuntu running

openSUSE runnin
Obviously a smooth, ready-to-rock Ubuntu installation is nice for most people already, but I need openSUSE, so after checking everything is fine with Ubuntu, I continued to install openSUSE Tumbleweed as a dual boot option. As I m a funny little tinkerer, I obviously went with some special things. I wanted:
  • Ubuntu to remain as the reference supported OS on a small(ish) partition, useful to compare to if trying out new development versions of software on openSUSE and finding oddities.
  • openSUSE as the OS consuming most of the space.
  • LUKS encryption for openSUSE without LVM.
  • ext4 s new fancy fast_commit feature in use during filesystem creation.
  • As a result of all that, I ended up juggling back and forth installation screens a couple of times (even more than shown below, and also because I forgot I wanted to use encryption the first time around).
First boots to pre-installed Ubuntu and installation of openSUSE Tumbleweed as the dual-boot option:
(if the embedded video is not shown, use a direct link)
Some notes from the openSUSE installation:
  • openSUSE installer s partition editor apparently does not support resizing or automatically installing side-by-side another Linux distribution, so I did part of the setup completely on my own.
  • Installation package download hanged a couple of times, only passed when I entered a mirror manually. On my TW I ve also noticed download problems recently, there might be a problem with some mirror I need to escalate.
  • The installer doesn t very clearly show encryption status of the target installation - it took me a couple of attempts before I even noticed the small encrypted column and icon (well, very small, see below), which also did not spell out the device mapper name but only the main partition name. In the end it was going to do the right thing right away and use my pre-created encrypted target partition as I wanted, but it could be a better UX. Then again I was doing my very own tweaks anyway.
  • Let s not go to the details why I m so old-fashioned and use ext4 :)
  • openSUSE s installer does not work fine with HiDPI screen. Funnily the tty consoles seem to be fine and with a big font.
  • At the end of the video I install the two GNOME extensions I can t live without, Dash to Dock and Sound Input & Output Device Chooser.

14 December 2021

Timo Jyrinki: Working and warming up cats

How to disable internal keyboard/touchpad when a cat arrives
I m using an external keyboard (1) and mouse (2), but the laptop lid is usually still open for better cooling. That means the internal keyboard (3) and touchpad (4) made of comfortable materials are open to be used by a cat searching for warmth (7), in the obvious every time case that a normal non-heated nest (6) is not enough.
The problem is, everything goes chaotic at that point in the default configuration. The solution is to have quick shortcuts in my Dash to Dock (8) to both disable (10) and enable (9) keyboard and touchpad at a very rapid pace.It is to be noted that I m not disabling the touch screen (5) by default, because most of the time the cat is not leaning on it there is also the added benefit that if one forgets about the internal keyboard and touchpad disabling and detaches the laptop from the USB-C monitor (11), there s the possibility of using the touch screen and on-screen keyboard to type in the password and tap on the keyboard/touchpad enabling shortcut button again. If also touch screen was disabled, the only way would be to go back to an external keyboard or reboot.So here are the scripts. First, the disabling script (pardon my copy-paste use of certain string manipulation tools):
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchpad/send-events "'disabled'"
sudo killall evtest
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" tail -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "Dell WMI" tail -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "Power" grep Kernel tail -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "Power" grep Kernel head -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "Sleep" grep Kernel tail -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "HID" grep Kernel head -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "HID" tail -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') &
#sudo evtest --grab $(sudo libinput list-devices grep -A 1 "ELAN" tail -n 1 sed 's/.*\/dev/\/dev/') # Touch screen
And the associated ~/.local/share/applications/disable-internal-input.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Disable internal input
GenericName=Disable internal input
Exec=/bin/bash -c /home/timo/Asiakirjat/helpers/
Here s the enabling script:
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchpad/send-events "'enabled'"
sudo killall evtest
and the desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Enable internal input
GenericName=Enable internal input
Exec=/bin/bash -c /home/timo/Asiakirjat/helpers/
With these, if I sense a cat or am just proactive enough, I press Super+9. If I m about to detach my laptop from the monitor, I press Super+8. If I forget the latter (usually this is the case) and haven t yet locked the screen, I just tap the enabling icon on the touch screen.

22 November 2021

Paul Tagliamonte: Be careful when using vxlan!

I ve spent a bit of time playing with vxlan - which is very neat, but also incredibly insecure by default.When using vxlan, be very careful to understand how the host is connected to the internet. The kernel will listen on all interfaces for packets, which means hosts accessable to VMs it s hosting (e.g., by bridged interface or a private LAN will accept packets from VMs and inject them into arbitrary VLANs, even ones it s not on.I reported this to the kernel mailing list to no reply with more technical details.The tl;dr is:
  $ ip link add vevx0a type veth peer name vevx0z
  $ ip addr add dev vevx0a
  $ ip addr add dev vevx0z
  $ ip link add vxlan0 type vxlan id 42 \
    local dev vevx0a dstport 4789
  $ # Note the above 'dev' and 'local' ip are set here
  $ ip addr add dev vxlan0
results in vxlan0 listening on all interfaces, not just vevx0z or vevx0a. To prove it to myself, I spun up a docker container (using a completely different network bridge with no connection to any of the interfaces above), and ran a Go program to send VXLAN UDP packets to my bridge host:
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/mnt debian:unstable /mnt/spam
which results in packets getting injected into my vxlan interface
$ sudo tcpdump -e -i vxlan0
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
listening on vxlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), snapshot length 262144 bytes
21:30:15.746754 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746773 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746787 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746801 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746815 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746827 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746870 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746885 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746899 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
21:30:15.746913 de:ad:be:ef:00:01 (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 64: truncated-ip - 27706 bytes missing! > localhost: ip-proto-114
10 packets captured
10 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
(the program in question is the following:)
  package main
  import (
  func main()  
      conn, err := net.Dial("udp", os.Args[1])
      if err != nil   panic(err)  
      for i := 0; i < 10; i++  
          vxf := &vxlan.Frame 
              VNI: vxlan.VNI(42),
              Ethernet: &ethernet.Frame 
                  Source:      net.HardwareAddr 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE,
0xEF, 0x00, 0x01 ,
                  Destination: net.HardwareAddr 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ,
                  EtherType:   ethernet.EtherTypeIPv4,
                  Payload:     []byte("Hello, World!"),
          frb, err := vxf.MarshalBinary()
          if err != nil   panic(err)  
          _, err = conn.Write(frb)
          if err != nil   panic(err)  
When using vxlan, be absolutely sure all hosts that can address any interface on the host are authorized to send arbitrary packets into any VLAN that box can send to, or there s very careful and specific controls and firewalling. Note this includes public interfaces (e.g., dual-homed private network / internet boxes), or any type of dual-homing (VPNs, etc).

21 November 2021

Julian Andres Klode: APT Z3 Solver Basics

Z3 is a theorem prover developed at Microsoft research and available as a dynamically linked C++ library in Debian-based distributions. While the library is a whopping 16 MB, and the solver is a tad slow, it s permissive licensing, and number of tactics offered give it a huge potential for use in solving dependencies in a wide variety of applications. Z3 does not need normalized formulas, but offers higher level abstractions like atmost and atleast and implies, that we will make use of together with boolean variables to translate the dependency problem to a form Z3 understands. In this post, we ll see how we can apply Z3 to the dependency resolution in APT. We ll only discuss the basics here, a future post will explore optimization criteria and recommends.

Translating the universe APT s package universe consists of 3 relevant things: packages (the tuple of name and architecture), versions (basically a .deb), and dependencies between versions. While we could translate our entire universe to Z3 problems, we instead will construct a root set from packages that were manually installed and versions marked for installation, and then build the transitive root set from it by translating all versions reachable from the root set. For each package P in the transitive root set, we create a boolean literal P. We then translate each version P1, P2, and so on. Translating a version means building a boolean literal for it, e.g. P1, and then translating the dependencies as shown below. We now need to create two more clauses to satisfy the basic requirements for debs:
  1. If a version is installed, the package is installed; and vice versa. We can encode this requirement for P above as P == atleast( P1,P2 , 1).
  2. There can only be one version installed. We add an additional constraint of the form atmost( P1,P2 , 1).
We also encode the requirements of the operation.
  1. For each package P that is manually installed, add a constraint P.
  2. For each version V that is marked for install, add a constraint V.
  3. For each package P that is marked for removal, add a constraint !P.

Dependencies Packages in APT have dependencies of two basic forms: Depends and Conflicts, as well as variations like Breaks (identical to Conflicts in solving terms), and Recommends (soft Depends) - we ll ignore those for now. We ll discuss Conflicts in the next section. Let s take a basic dependency list: A Depends: X Y, Z. To represent that dependency, we expand each name to a list of versions that can satisfy the dependency, for example X1 X2 Y1, Z1. Translating this dependency list to our Z3 solver, we create boolean variables X1,X2,Y1,Z1 and define two rules:
  1. A implies atleast( X1,X2,Y1 , 1)
  2. A implies atleast( Z1 , 1)
If there actually was nothing that satisfied the Z requirement, we d have added a rule not A. It would be possible to simply not tell Z3 about the version at all as an optimization, but that adds more complexity, and the not A constraint should not cause too many problems.

Conflicts Conflicts cannot have or in them. A dependency B Conflicts: X, Y means that only one of B, X, and Y can be installed. We can directly encode this in Z3 by using the constraint atmost( B,X,Y , 1). This is an optimized encoding of the constraint: We could have encoded each conflict in the form !B or !X, !B or !X, and so on. Usually this leads to worse performance as it introduces additional clauses.

Complete example Let s assume we start with an empty install and want to install the package a below.
Package: a
Version: 1
Depends: c   b
Package: b
Version: 1
Package: b
Version: 2
Conflicts: x
Package: d
Version: 1
Package: x
Version: 1
The translation in Z3 rules looks like this:
  1. Package rules for a:
    1. a == atleast( a1 , 1) - package is installed iff one version is
    2. atmost( a1 , 1) - only one version may be installed
    3. a a must be installed
  2. Dependency rules for a
    1. implies(a1, atleast( b2, b1 , 1)) the translated dependency above. note that c is gone, it s not reachable.
  3. Package rules for b:
    1. b == atleast( b1,b2 , 1) - package is installed iff one version is
    2. atmost( b1, b2 , 1) - only one version may be installed
  4. Dependencies for b (= 2):
    1. atmost( b2, x1 , 1) - the conflicts between x and b = 2 above
  5. Package rules for x:
    1. x == atleast( x1 , 1) - package is installed iff one version is
    2. atmost( x1 , 1) - only one version may be installed
The package d is not translated, as it is not reachable from the root set a1 , the transitive root set is a1,b1,b2,x1 .

Next iteration: Optimization We have now constructed the basic set of rules that allows us to solve solve our dependency problems (equivalent to SAT), however it might lead to suboptimal solutions where it removes automatically installed packages, or installs more packages than necessary, to name a few examples. In our next iteration, we have to look at introducing optimization; for example, have the minimum number of removals, the minimal number of changed packages, or satisfy as many recommends as possible. We will also look at the upgrade problem (upgrade as many packages as possible), the autoremove problem (remove as many automatically installed packages as possible).

Antoine Beaupr : The last syncmaildir crash

My syncmaildir (SMD) setup failed me one too many times (previously, previously). In an attempt to migrate to an alternative mail synchronization tool, I looked into using my IMAP server again, and found out my mail spool was in a pretty bad shape. I'm comparing mbsync and offlineimap in the next post but this post talks about how I recovered the mail spool so that tools like those could correctly synchronise the mail spool again.

The latest crash On Monday, SMD just started failing with this error:
nov 15 16:12:19 angela systemd[2305]: Starting pull emails with syncmaildir...
nov 15 16:12:22 angela systemd[2305]: smd-pull.service: Succeeded.
nov 15 16:12:22 angela systemd[2305]: Finished pull emails with syncmaildir.
nov 15 16:14:08 angela systemd[2305]: Starting pull emails with syncmaildir...
nov 15 16:14:11 angela systemd[2305]: smd-pull.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
nov 15 16:14:11 angela systemd[2305]: smd-pull.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
nov 15 16:14:11 angela systemd[2305]: Failed to start pull emails with syncmaildir.
nov 15 16:16:14 angela systemd[2305]: Starting pull emails with syncmaildir...
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: Network error.
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: Unable to get any data from the other endpoint.
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: This problem may be transient, please retry.
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: Hint: did you correctly setup the SERVERNAME variable
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: on your client? Did you add an entry for it in your ssh
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: configuration file?
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27178]: smd-client: ERROR: Network error
nov 15 16:16:17 angela smd-pull[27188]: register: smd-client@localhost: TAGS: error::context(handshake) probable-cause(network) human-intervention(avoidable) suggested-actions(retry)
nov 15 16:16:17 angela systemd[2305]: smd-pull.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
nov 15 16:16:17 angela systemd[2305]: smd-pull.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
nov 15 16:16:17 angela systemd[2305]: Failed to start pull emails with syncmaildir.
What is frustrating is that there's actually no network error here. Running the command by hand I did see a different message, but now I have lost it in my backlog. It had something to do with a filename being too long, and I gave up debugging after a while. This happened suddenly too, which added to the confusion. In a fit of rage I started this blog post and experimenting with alternatives, which led me down a lot of rabbit holes. Reviewing my previous mail crash documentation, it seems most solutions involve talking to an IMAP server, so I figured I would just do that. Wanting to try something new, i gave isync (AKA mbsync) a try. Oh dear, I did not expect how much trouble just talking to my IMAP server would be, which wasn't not isync's fault, for what that's worth. It was the primary tool I used to debug things, and served me well in that regard.

Mailbox corruption The first thing I found out is that certain messages in the IMAP spool were corrupted. mbsync would stop on a FETCH command and Dovecot would give me those errors on the server side.

"wrong W value"
nov 16 15:31:27 marcos dovecot[3621800]: imap(anarcat)<3630489><wAmSzO3QZtfAqAB1>: Error: Mailbox junk: Maildir filename has wrong W value, renamed the file from /home/anarcat/Maildir/.junk/cur/1454623938.M101164P22216.marcos,S=2495,W=2578:2,S to /home/anarcat/Maildir/.junk/cur/1454623938.M101164P22216.marcos,S=2495:2,S
nov 16 15:31:27 marcos dovecot[3621800]: imap(anarcat)<3630489><wAmSzO3QZtfAqAB1>: Error: Mailbox junk: Deleting corrupted cache record uid=1582: UID 1582: Broken virtual size in mailbox junk: read(/home/anarcat/Maildir/.junk/cur/1454623938.M101164P22216.marcos,S=2495,W=2578:2,S): FETCH BODY[] got too little data: 2540 vs 2578
At least this first error was automatically healed by Dovecot (by renaming the file without the W= flag). The problem is that the FETCH command fails and mbsync exits noisily. So you need to constantly restart mbsync with a silly command like:
while ! mbsync -a; do sleep 1; done

"cached message size larger than expected"
nov 16 13:53:08 marcos dovecot[3520770]: imap(anarcat)<3594402><M5JHb+zQ3NLAqAB1>: Error: Mailbox Sent: UID=19288: read(/home/anarcat/Maildir/.Sent/cur/1224790447.M898726P9811V000000000000FE06I00794FB1_0.marvin,S=2588:2,S) failed: Cached message size larger than expected (2588 > 2482, box=Sent, UID=19288) (read reason=mail stream)
nov 16 13:53:08 marcos dovecot[3520770]: imap(anarcat)<3594402><M5JHb+zQ3NLAqAB1>: Error: Mailbox Sent: Deleting corrupted cache record uid=19288: UID 19288: Broken physical size in mailbox Sent: read(/home/anarcat/Maildir/.Sent/cur/1224790447.M898726P9811V000000000000FE06I00794FB1_0.marvin,S=2588:2,S) failed: Cached message size larger than expected (2588 > 2482, box=Sent, UID=19288)
nov 16 13:53:08 marcos dovecot[3520770]: imap(anarcat)<3594402><M5JHb+zQ3NLAqAB1>: Error: Mailbox Sent: UID=19288: read(/home/anarcat/Maildir/.Sent/cur/1224790447.M898726P9811V000000000000FE06I00794FB1_0.marvin,S=2588:2,S) failed: Cached message size larger than expected (2588 > 2482, box=Sent, UID=19288) (read reason=)
nov 16 13:53:08 marcos dovecot[3520770]: imap-login: Panic: epoll_ctl(del, 7) failed: Bad file descriptor
This second problem is much harder to fix, because dovecot does not recover automatically. This is Dovecot complaining that the cached size (the S= field, but also present in Dovecot's metadata files) doesn't match the file size. I wonder if at least some of those messages were corrupted in the OfflineIMAP to syncmaildir migration because part of that procedure is to run the strip_header script to remove content from the emails. That could easily have broken things since the files do not also get renamed.

Workaround So I read a lot of the Dovecot documentation on the maildir format, and wrote an extensive fix script for those two errors. The script worked and mbsync was able to sync the entire mail spool. And no, rebuilding the index files didn't work. Also tried doveadm force-resync -u anarcat which didn't do anything. In the end I also had to do this, because the wrong cache values were also stored elsewhere.
service dovecot stop ; find -name 'dovecot*' -delete; service dovecot start
This would have totally broken any existing clients, but thankfully I'm starting from scratch (except maybe webmail, but I'm hoping it will self-heal as well, assuming it only has a cache and not a full replica of the mail spool).

Incoherence between Maildir and IMAP Unfortunately, the first mbsync was incomplete as it was missing about 15,000 mails:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-mbsync/ -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
As it turns out, mbsync was not at fault here either: this was yet more mail spool corruption. It's actually 26 folders (out of 205) with inconsistent sizes, which can be found with:
for folder in * .[^.]* ; do 
  printf "%s\t%d\n" $folder $(find "$folder" -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l );
The special \! -name '.*' bit is to ignore the mbsync metadata, which creates .uidvalidity and .mbsyncstate in every folder. That ignores about 200 files but since they are spread around all folders, which was making it impossible to review where the problem was. Here is what the diff looks like:
--- Maildir-list    2021-11-17 20:42:36.504246752 -0500
+++ Maildir-mbsync-list 2021-11-17 20:18:07.731806601 -0500
@@ -6,16 +6,15 @@
 .Archives  1
 .Archives.2010 3553
-.Archives.2011 3583
-.Archives.2012 12593
+.Archives.2011 3582
+.Archives.2012 620
 .Archives.2013 8576
 .Archives.2014 11057
-.Archives.2015 8173
+.Archives.2015 8165
 .Archives.2016 54
 .band  34
 .bitbuck   1
@@ -38,13 +37,12 @@
 .couchsurfers  2
-cur    11285
+cur    11280
 .current   130
 .cv    2
 .debbug    262
-.debian    37544
-drafts 1
-.Drafts    4
+.debian    37533
+.Drafts    2
 .drone 241
 .drupal    188
 .drupal-devel  303

Misfiled messages It's a bit all over the place, but we can already notice some huge differences between mailboxes, for example in the Archives folders. As it turns out, at least 12,000 of those missing mails were actually misfiled: instead of being in the Maildir/.Archives.2012/cur/ folder, they were directly in Maildir/.Archives.2012/. This is something that doesn't matter for SMD (and possibly for notmuch? it does matter, notmuch suddenly found 12,000 new mails) but that definitely matters to Dovecot and therefore mbsync... After moving those files around, we still have 4,000 message missing:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-mbsync/  -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir/  -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
The problem is that those 4,000 missing mails are harder to track. Take, for example, .Archives.2011, which has a single message missing, out of 3,582. And the files are not identical: the checksums don't match after going through the IMAP transport, so we can't use a tool like hashdeep to compare the trees and find why any single file is missing.

"register" folder One big chunk of the 4,000, however, is a special folder called register in my spool, which I am syncing separately (see Securing registration email for details on that setup). That actually covers 3,700 of those messages, so I actually have a more modest 300 messages to figure out, after (easily!) configuring mbsync to sync that folder separately:
 @@ -30,9 +33,29 @@ Slave :anarcat-local:
  # Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
  #Patterns * ![Gmail]* "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" "[Gmail]/Starred" "[Gmail]/All Mail"
  # Or include everything
 -Patterns *
 +#Patterns *
 +Patterns * !register  !.register
  # Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
  #Create Both
  Create slave
  # Sync the movement of messages between folders and deletions, add after making sure the sync works
  #Expunge Both
 +IMAPAccount anarcat-register
 +User register
 +PassCmd "pass"
 +CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
 +IMAPStore anarcat-register-remote
 +Account anarcat-register
 +MaildirStore anarcat-register-local
 +SubFolders Maildir++
 +Inbox ~/Maildir-mbsync/.register/
 +Channel anarcat-register
 +Master :anarcat-register-remote:
 +Slave :anarcat-register-local:
 +Create slave

"tmp" folders and empty messages After syncing the "register" messages, I end up with the measly little 160 emails out of sync:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-mbsync/  -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir/  -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
Argh. After more digging, I have found 131 mails in the tmp/ directories of the client's mail spool. Mysterious! On the server side, it's even more files, and not the same ones. Possible that those were mails that were left there during a failed delivery of some sort, during a power failure or some sort of crash? Who knows. It could be another race condition in SMD if it runs while mail is being delivered in tmp/... The first thing to do with those is to cleanup a bunch of empty files (21 on angela):
find .[^.]*/tmp -type f -empty -delete
As it turns out, they are all duplicates, in the sense that notmuch can easily find a copy of files with the same message ID in its database. In other words, this hairy command returns nothing
find .[^.]*/tmp -type f   while read path; do
  msgid=$(grep -m 1  -i ^message-id "$path"   sed 's/Message-ID: //i;s/[<>]//g');
  if notmuch count --exclude=false  "id:$msgid"   grep -q 0; then
    echo "$path <$msgid> not in notmuch" ;
... which is good. Or, to put it another way, this is safe:
find .[^.]*/tmp -type f -delete
Poof! 314 mails cleaned on the server side. Interestingly, SMD doesn't pick up on those changes at all and still sees files in tmp/ directories on the client side, so we need to operate the same twisted logic there.

notmuch to the rescue again After cleaning that on the client, we get:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir/  -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-mbsync/  -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
Ha! 27 mails difference. Those are the really sticky, unclear ones. I was hoping a full sync might clear that up, but after deleting the entire directory and starting from scratch, I end up with:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-mbsync -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
That is: even more messages missing (now 37). Sigh. Thankfully, this is something notmuch can help with: it can index all files by Message-ID (which I learned is case-insensitive, yay) and tell us which messages don't make it through. Considering the corruption I found in the mail spool, I wouldn't be the least surprised those messages are just skipped by the IMAP server. Unfortunately, there's nothing on the Dovecot server logs that would explain the discrepancy. Here again, notmuch comes to the rescue. We can list all message IDs to figure out that discrepancy:
notmuch search --exclude=false --output=messages '*'   pv -s 18M   sort > Maildir-msgids
notmuch --config=.notmuch-config-mbsync search --exclude=false --output=messages '*'   pv -s 18M   sort > Maildir-mbsync-msgids
And then we can see how many messages notmuch thinks are missing:
$ wc -l *msgids
372723 Maildir-mbsync-msgids
372752 Maildir-msgids
That's 29 messages. Oddly, it doesn't exactly match the find output:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir-mbsync -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ find Maildir -type f -type f -a \! -name '.*'   wc -l 
That is 10 more messages. Ugh. But actually, I know what those are: more misfiled messages (in a .folder/draft/ directory, bizarrely, so the totals actually match. In the notmuch output, there's a lot of stuff like this:
Those are messages without a valid Message-ID. Notmuch (presumably) constructs one based on the file's checksum. Because the files differ between the IMAP server and the local mail spool (which is unfortunate, but possibly inevitable), those do not match. There are exactly the same number of those on both sides, so I'll go ahead and assume those are all accounted for. What remains is:
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ diff -u Maildir-mbsync-msgids Maildir-msgids    grep '^\-[^-]'   grep -v sha1   wc -l 
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ diff -u Maildir-mbsync-msgids Maildir-msgids    grep '^\+[^+]'   grep -v sha1   wc -l 
ie. 21 missing from mbsync, and, surprisingly, 2 missing from the original mail spool. Further inspection also showed they were all messages with some sort of "corruption": no body and only headers. I am not sure that is a legal email format in the first place. Since they were mostly spam or administrative emails ("You have been unsubscribed from mailing list..."), it seems fairly harmless to ignore those.

Conclusion As we'll see in the next article, SMD has stellar performance. But that comes at a huge cost: it accesses the mail storage directly. This can (and has) created significant problems on the mail server. It's unclear exactly why those things happen, but Dovecot expects a particular storage format on its file, and it seems unwise to bypass that. In the future, I'll try to remember to avoid that, especially since mechanisms like SMD require special server access (SSH) which, in the long term, I am not sure I want to maintain or expect. In other words, just talking with an IMAP server opens up a lot more possibilities of hosting than setting up a custom synchronisation protocol over SSH. It's also safer and more reliable, as we have seen. Thankfully, I've been able to recover from all the errors I could find, but it could have gone differently and it would have been possible for SMD to permanently corrupt significant part of my mail archives. In the end, however, the last drop was just another weird bug which, ironically, SMD mysteriously recovered from on its own while I was writing this documentation and migrating away from it. In any case, I recommend SMD users start looking for alternatives. The project has been archived upstream, and the Debian package has been orphaned. I have seen significant mail box corruption, including entire mail spool destruction, mostly due to incorrect locking code. I have filed a release-critical bug in Debian to make sure it doesn't ship with Debian bookworm. Alternatives like mbsync provide fast and reliable transport, including over SSH. See the next article for further discussion of the alternatives.

6 November 2021

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in October 2021

Welcome to the October 2021 report from the Reproducible Builds project!
This month Samanta Navarro posted to the oss-security security mailing on a novel category of exploit in the .tar archive format, where a single .tar file contains different contents depending on the tar utility being used. Naturally, this has consequences for reproducible builds as Samanta goes onto reply:

Arch Linux uses libarchive (bsdtar) in its build environment. The default tar program installed is GNU tar. It is possible to create a source distribution which leads to different files seen by the build environment than compared to a careful reviewer and other Linux distributions.
Samanta notes that addressing the tar utilities themselves will not be a sufficient fix:
I have submitted bug reports and patches to some projects but eventually I had to conclude that the problem itself cannot be fixed by these implementations alone. The best choice for these tools would be to only allow archives which are fully compatible to standards but this in turn would render a lot of archives broken.
Reproducible builds, with its twin ideas of reaching consensus on the build outputs as well as precisely recording and describing the build environment, would help address this problem at a higher level.
Codethink announced that they had achieved ISO-26262 ASIL D Tool Certification, a way of determining specific safety standards for software. Codethink used open source tooling to achieve this, but they also leverage:
Reproducibility, repeatability and traceability of builds, drawing heavily on best-practices championed by the Reproducible Builds project.

Elsewhere on the internet, according to a comment on Hacker News, Microsoft are now comparing NPM Javascript packages with their original source repositories:
I got a PR in my repository a few days ago leading back to a team trying to make it easier for packages to be reproducible from source.

Lastly, Martin Monperrus started an interesting thread on our mailing list about Github, specifically that their autogenerated release tarballs are not deterministic . The thread generated a significant number of replies that are worth reading.

Events and presentations

Community news On our mailing list this month:
There were quite a few changes to the Reproducible Builds website and documentation this month as well, including Feng Chai updating some links on our publications page [ ] and marco updated our project metadata around the Bitcoin Core building guide [ ].
Lastly, we ran another productive meeting on IRC during October. A full set of notes from the meeting is available to view.

Distribution work Qubes was heavily featured in the latest edition of Linux Weekly News, and a significant section was dedicated to discussing reproducibility. For example, it was mentioned that the Qubes project has been working on incorporating reproducible builds into its continuous integration (CI) infrastructure . But the LWN article goes on to describe that:
The current goal is to be able to build the Qubes OS Debian templates solely from packages that can be built reproducibly. Templates in Qubes OS are VM images that can be used to start an application qube quickly based on the template. The qube will have read-only access to the root filesystem of the template, so that the same root filesystem can be shared with multiple application qubes. There are official templates for several variants of both Fedora and Debian, as well as community maintained templates for several other distributions.
You can view the whole article on LWN, and Fr d ric also published a lengthy summary about their work on reproducible builds in Qubes as well for those wishing to learn more.
In Debian this month, 133 reviews of Debian packages were added, 81 were updated and 24 were removed this month, adding to Debian s ever-growing knowledge about identified issues. A number of issues were categorised and added by Chris Lamb and Vagrant Cascadian too [ ][ ][ ]. In addition, work on alternative snapshot service has made progress by Fr d ric Pierret and Holger Levsen this month, including moving from the existing host ( to (more info) thanks to OSUOSL for the machine and hosting and Debian for the disks.
Finally, Bernhard M. Wiedemann posted his monthly reproducible builds status report.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Not only can it locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it can provide human-readable diffs from many kinds of binary formats. This month, Chris Lamb made the following changes, including preparing and uploading versions 186, 187, 188 and 189 to Debian
  • New features:
    • Add support for Python Sphinx inventory files (usually named objects.inv on-disk). [ ]
    • Add support for comparing .pyc files. Thanks to Sergei Trofimovich for the inspiration. [ ]
    • Try some alternative suffixes (e.g. .py) to support distributions that strip or retain them. [ ][ ]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix Python decompilation tests under Python 3.10+ [ ] and for Python 3.7 [ ].
    • Don t raise a traceback if we cannot unmarshal Python bytecode. This is in order to support Python 3.7 failing to load .pyc files generated with newer versions of Python. [ ]
    • Skip Python bytecode testing where we do not have an expected diff. [ ]
  • Codebase improvements:
    • Use our file_version_is_lt utility instead of accepting both versions of uImage expected diff. [ ]
    • Split out a custom call to assert_diff for a .startswith equivalent. [ ]
    • Use skipif instead of manual conditionals in some tests. [ ]
In addition, Jelle van der Waa added external tool references for Arch Linux for ocamlobjinfo, openssl and ffmpeg [ ][ ][ ] and added Arch Linux as a Continuous Integration (CI) test target. [ ] and Vagrant Cascadian updated the testsuite to skip Python bytecode comparisons when file(1) is older than 5.39. [ ] as well as added external tool references for the Guix distribution for dumppdf and ppudump. [ ][ ]. Vagrant Cascadian also updated the diffoscope package in GNU Guix [ ][ ]. Lastly, Guangyuan Yang updated the FreeBSD package name on the website [ ], Mattia Rizzolo made a change to override a new Lintian warning due to the new test files [ ], Roland Clobus added support to detect and log if the GNU_BUILD_ID field in an ELF binary been modified [ ], Sandro J ckel updated a number of helpful links on the website [ ] and Sergei Trofimovich made the uImage test output support file() version 5.41 [ ].

reprotest reprotest is the Reproducible Build s project end-user tool to build same source code twice in widely differing environments, checking the binaries produced by the builds for any differences. This month, reprotest version 0.7.18 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Holger Levsen, which also included a change by Holger to clarify that Python 3.9 is used nowadays [ ], but it also included two changes by Vasyl Gello to implement realistic CPU architecture shuffling [ ] and to log the selected variations when the verbosity is configured at a sufficiently high level [ ]. Finally, Vagrant Cascadian updated reprotest to version 0.7.18 in GNU Guix.

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix unreproducible packages. We try to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. We authored a large number of such patches this month, including:

Testing framework The Reproducible Builds project runs a testing framework at, to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. This month, the following changes were made:
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Debian-related changes:
      • Incorporate a fix from bremner into builtin-pho related to binary-NMUs. [ ]
      • Keep bullseye environments around longer, in an attempt to fix a Jenkins issue. [ ]
      • Improve the documentation of [ ]
      • Improve documentation for the builtin-pho setup. [ ][ ]
    • OpenWrt-related changes:
      • Also use -j1 for better debugging. [ ]
      • Document that that Python 3.x is now used. [ ]
      • Enable further debugging for the toolchain build. [ ]
    • New service:
      • Actually add new node. [ ][ ]
      • Install xfsprogs on [ ]
      • Create account for fpierret on new node. [ ]
      • Run node_health_check job on new node too. [ ]
  • Mattia Rizzolo:
    • Debian-related changes:
      • Handle schroot errors when invoking diffoscope instead of masking them. [ ][ ]
      • Declare and define some variables separately to avoid masking the subshell return code. [ ]
      • Fix variable name. [ ]
      • Improve log reporting. [ ]
      • Execute apt-get update with the -q argument to get more decent logs. [ ]
      • Set the Debian HTTP mirror and proxy for [ ]
      • Install the libarchive-tools package (instead of bsdtar) when updating Jenkins nodes. [ ]
    • Be stricter about errors when starting the node agent [ ] and don t overwrite NODE_NAME so that we can expect Jenkins to properly set for us [ ].
    • Explicitly warn if the NODE_NAME is not a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). [ ]
    • Document whether a node runs in the future. [ ]
    • Disable postgresql_autodoc as it not available in bullseye. [ ]
    • Don t be so eager when deleting schroot internals, call to schroot -e to terminate the schroots instead. [ ]
    • Only consider schroot underlays for deletion that are over a month old. [ ][ ]
    • Only try to unmount /proc if it s actually mounted. [ ]
    • Move the db_backup task to its own Jenkins job. [ ]
Lastly, Vasyl Gello added usage information to the script [ ].

Contributing If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

2 November 2021

Enrico Zini: help2man and subcommands

help2man is quite nice for autogenerating manpages from command line help, making sure that they stay up to date as command line options evolve. It works quite well, except for commands with subcommands, like Python programs that use argparse's add_subparser. So, here's a quick hack that calls help2man for each subcommand, and stitches everything together in a simple manpage.
import re
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
# TODO: move to argparse
command = sys.argv[1]
# Use to get the program version
res =[sys.executable, "", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True)
version = res.stdout.strip()
# Call the main commandline help to get a list of subcommands
res =[sys.executable, command, "--help"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True)
subcommands = re.sub(r'^.+\ (.+)\ .+$', r'\1', res.stdout, flags=re.DOTALL).split(',')
# Generate a help2man --include file with an extra section for each subcommand
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wt") as tf:
    print("[>DESCRIPTION]", file=tf)
    for subcommand in subcommands:
        res =
                ["help2man", f"--name= command ", "--section=1",
                 "--no-info", "--version-string=dummy", f"./ command   subcommand "],
                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True)
        subcommand_doc = re.sub(r'^.+.SH DESCRIPTION', '', res.stdout, flags=re.DOTALL)
        print(".SH ", subcommand.upper(), " SUBCOMMAND", file=tf)
    with open(f" command", "rt") as fd:
        shutil.copyfileobj(fd, tf)
    # Call help2man on the main command line help, with the extra include file
    # we just generated
            ["help2man", f"--include= ", f"--name= command ",
             "--section=1", "--no-info", f"--version-string= version ",
             "--output=arkimaps.1", "./arkimaps"],

5 September 2021

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in August 2021

Welcome to the latest report from the Reproducible Builds project. In this post, we round up the important things that happened in the world of reproducible builds in August 2021. As always, if you are interested in contributing to the project, please visit the Contribute page on our website.
There were a large number of talks related to reproducible builds at DebConf21 this year, the 21st annual conference of the Debian Linux distribution (full schedule):
PackagingCon (@PackagingCon) is new conference for developers of package management software as well as their related communities and stakeholders. The virtual event, which is scheduled to take place on the 9th and 10th November 2021, has a mission is to bring different ecosystems together: from Python s pip to Rust s cargo to Julia s Pkg, from Debian apt over Nix to conda and mamba, and from vcpkg to Spack we hope to have many different approaches to package management at the conference . A number of people from reproducible builds community are planning on attending this new conference, and some may even present. Tickets start at $20 USD.
As reported in our May report, the president of the United States signed an executive order outlining policies aimed to improve the cybersecurity in the US. The executive order comes after a number of highly-publicised security problems such as a ransomware attack that affected an oil pipeline between Texas and New York and the SolarWinds hack that affected a large number of US federal agencies. As a followup this month, however, a detailed fact sheet was released announcing a number large-scale initiatives and that will undoubtedly be related to software supply chain security and, as a result, reproducible builds.
Lastly, We ran another productive meeting on IRC in August (original announcement) which ran for just short of two hours. A full set of notes from the meeting is available.

Software development kpcyrd announced an interesting new project this month called I probably didn t backdoor this which is an attempt to be:
a practical attempt at shipping a program and having reasonably solid evidence there s probably no backdoor. All source code is annotated and there are instructions explaining how to use reproducible builds to rebuild the artifacts distributed in this repository from source. The idea is shifting the burden of proof from you need to prove there s a backdoor to we need to prove there s probably no backdoor . This repository is less about code (we re going to try to keep code at a minimum actually) and instead contains technical writing that explains why these controls are effective and how to verify them. You are very welcome to adopt the techniques used here in your projects. ( )
As the project s README goes on the mention: the techniques used to rebuild the binary artifacts are only possible because the builds for this project are reproducible . This was also announced on our mailing list this month in a thread titled i-probably-didnt-backdoor-this: Reproducible Builds for upstreams. kpcyrd also wrote a detailed blog post about the problems surrounding Linux distributions (such as Alpine and Arch Linux) that distribute compiled Python bytecode in the form of .pyc files generated during the build process.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Not only can it locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it can provide human-readable diffs from many kinds of binary formats. This month, Chris Lamb made a number of changes, including releasing version 180), version 181) and version 182) as well as the following changes:
  • New features:
    • Add support for extracting the signing block from Android APKs. [ ]
    • If we specify a suffix for a temporary file or directory within the code, ensure it starts with an underscore (ie. _ ) to make the generated filenames more human-readable. [ ]
    • Don t include short GCC lines that differ on a single prefix byte either. These are distracting, not very useful and are simply the strings(1) command s idea of the build ID, which is displayed elsewhere in the diff. [ ][ ]
    • Don t include specific .debug-like lines in the ELF-related output, as it is invariably a duplicate of the debug ID that exists better in the readelf(1) differences for this file. [ ]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Add a special case to SquashFS image extraction to not fail if we aren t the superuser. [ ]
    • Only use java -jar /path/to/apksigner.jar if we have an apksigner.jar as newer versions of apksigner in Debian use a shell wrapper script which will be rejected if passed directly to the JVM. [ ]
    • Reduce the maximum line length for calculating Wagner-Fischer, improving the speed of output generation a lot. [ ]
    • Don t require apksigner in order to compare .apk files using apktool. [ ]
    • Update calls (and tests) for the new version of odt2txt. [ ]
  • Output improvements:
    • Mention in the output if the apksigner tool is missing. [ ]
    • Profile diffoscope.diff.linediff and specialize. [ ][ ]
  • Logging improvements:
    • Format debug-level messages related to ELF sections using the diffoscope.utils.format_class. [ ]
    • Print the size of generated reports in the logs (if possible). [ ]
    • Include profiling information in --debug output if --profile is not set. [ ]
  • Codebase improvements:
    • Clarify a comment about the HUGE_TOOLS Python dictionary. [ ]
    • We can pass -f to apktool to avoid creating a strangely-named subdirectory. [ ]
    • Drop an unused File import. [ ]
    • Update the supported & minimum version of Black. [ ]
    • We don t use the logging variable in a specific place, so alias it to an underscore (ie. _ ) instead. [ ]
    • Update some various copyright years. [ ]
    • Clarify a comment. [ ]
  • Test improvements:
    • Update a test to check specific contents of SquashFS listings, otherwise it fails depending on the test systems user ID to username passwd(5) mapping. [ ]
    • Assign seen and expected values to local variables to improve contextual information in failed tests. [ ]
    • Don t print an orphan newline when the source code formatting test passes. [ ]

In addition Santiago Torres Arias added support for Squashfs version 4.5 [ ] and Felix C. Stegerman suggested a number of small improvements to the output of the new APK signing block [ ]. Lastly, Chris Lamb uploaded python-libarchive-c version 3.1-1 to Debian experimental for the new 3.x branch python-libarchive-c is used by diffoscope.

Distribution work In Debian, 68 reviews of packages were added, 33 were updated and 10 were removed this month, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Two new issue types have been identified too: nondeterministic_ordering_in_todo_items_collected_by_doxygen and kodi_package_captures_build_path_in_source_filename_hash. kpcyrd published another monthly report on their work on reproducible builds within the Alpine and Arch Linux distributions, specifically mentioning rebuilderd, one of the components powering The report also touches on binary transparency, an important component for supply chain security. The @GuixHPC account on Twitter posted an infographic on what fraction of GNU Guix packages are bit-for-bit reproducible: Finally, Bernhard M. Wiedemann posted his monthly reproducible builds status report for openSUSE.

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including: Elsewhere, it was discovered that when supporting various new language features and APIs for Android apps, the resulting APK files that are generated now vary wildly from build to build (example diffoscope output). Happily, it appears that a patch has been committed to the relevant source tree. This was also discussed on our mailing list this month in a thread titled Android desugaring and reproducible builds started by Marcus Hoffmann.

Website and documentation There were quite a few changes to the Reproducible Builds website and documentation this month, including:
  • Felix C. Stegerman:
    • Update the website self-build process to not use the buster-backports suite now that Debian Bullseye is the stable release. [ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Add a new page documenting various package rebuilder solutions. [ ]
    • Add some historical talks and slides from DebConf20. [ ][ ]
    • Various improvements to the history page. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Rename the Comparison protocol documentation category to Verification . [ ]
    • Update links to F-Droid documentation. [ ]
  • Ian Muchina:
    • Increase the font size of titles and de-emphasize event details on the talk page. [ ]
    • Rename the README file to to improve the user experience when browsing the Git repository in a web browser. [ ]
  • Mattia Rizzolo:
    • Drop a position:fixed CSS statement that is negatively affecting with some width settings. [ ]
    • Fix the sizing of the elements inside the side navigation bar. [ ]
    • Show gold level sponsors and above in the sidebar. [ ]
    • Updated the documentation within reprotest to mention how ldconfig conflicts with the kernel variation. [ ]
  • Roland Clobus:
    • Added a ticket number for the issue with the live Cinnamon image and diffoscope. [ ]

Testing framework The Reproducible Builds project runs a testing framework at, to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. This month, the following changes were made:
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Debian-related changes:
      • Make a large number of changes to support the new Debian bookworm release, including adding it to the dashboard [ ], start scheduling tests [ ], adding suitable Apache redirects [ ] etc. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
      • Make the first build use LANG=C.UTF-8 to match the official Debian build servers. [ ]
      • Only test Debian Live images once a week. [ ]
      • Upgrade all nodes to use Debian Bullseye [ ] [ ]
      • Update README documentation for the Debian Bullseye release. [ ]
    • Other changes:
      • Only include rsync output if the $DEBUG variable is enabled. [ ]
      • Don t try to install mock, a tool used to build Fedora packages some time ago. [ ]
      • Drop an unused function. [ ]
      • Various documentation improvements. [ ][ ]
      • Improve the node health check to detect zombie jobs. [ ]
  • Jessica Clarke (FreeBSD-related changes):
    • Update the location and branch name for the main FreeBSD Git repository. [ ]
    • Correctly ignore the source tarball when comparing build results. [ ]
    • Drop an outdated version number from the documentation. [ ]
  • Mattia Rizzolo:
    • Block F-Droid jobs from running whilst the setup is running. [ ]
    • Enable debugging for the rsync job related to Debian Live images. [ ]
    • Pass BUILD_TAG and BUILD_URL environment for the Debian Live jobs. [ ]
    • Refactor the master_wrapper script to use a Bash array for the parameters. [ ]
    • Prefer YAML s safe_load() function over the unsafe variant. [ ]
    • Use the correct variable in the Apache config to match possible existing files on disk. [ ]
    • Stop issuing HTTP 301 redirects for things that not actually permanent. [ ]
  • Roland Clobus (Debian live image generation):
    • Increase the diffoscope timeout from 120 to 240 minutes; the Cinnamon image should now be able to finish. [ ]
    • Use the new snapshot service. [ ]
    • Make a number of improvements to artifact handling, such as moving the artifacts to the Jenkins host [ ] and correctly cleaning them up at the right time. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Where possible, link to the Jenkins build URL that created the artifacts. [ ][ ]
    • Only allow only one job to run at the same time. [ ]
  • Vagrant Cascadian:
    • Temporarily disable armhf nodes for DebConf21. [ ][ ]

Lastly, if you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit the Contribute page on our website. You can get in touch with us via:

31 July 2021

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in July 2021

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world during July 2021 (previous month): As part of my role of being the assistant Secretary of the Open Source Initiative and a board director of Software in the Public Interest I attended their respective monthly meetings. As outlined in last months posts, however, my term on the OSI board has been slightly extended due to the discovery of a vulnerability in OSI's recent election as a result, the 2021 election is currently being re-run. Reproducible Builds One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. However, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into ostensibly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to ensure no flaws have been introduced during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised. This month, I: I also made the following changes to diffoscope, including preparing and uploading versions 178 and 179 to PyPI and Debian: Debian Bugs filed Uploads Debian LTS This month I have worked 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and 12 hours on its sister Extended LTS project. You can find out more about the project via the following video:

1 July 2021

Vincent Bernat: Upgrading my desktop PC

I built my current desktop PC in 2014. A second SSD was added in 2015. The motherboard and the power supply were replaced after a fault1 in 2016. The memory was upgraded in 2018. A discrete AMD GPU was installed in 2019 to drive two 4K screens. An NVMe disk was added earlier this year to further increase storage performance. This is a testament to the durability of a desktop PC compared to a laptop: it s evolutive and you can keep it a long time. While fine for most usage, the CPU started to become a bottleneck during video conferences.2 So, it was set for an upgrade. The table below summarizes the change. This update cost me about 800 .
Before After
CPU Intel i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz AMD Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.7 GHz
CPU fan Zalman CNPS9900 Noctua NH-U12S
Motherboard Asus Z97-PRO Gamer Asus TUF Gaming B550-PLUS
RAM 2 8 GB + 2 4 GB DDR3 @ 1.6 GHz 2 16 GB DDR4 @ 3.6 GHz
GPU Asus Radeon PH RX 550 4G M7
Disks 500 GB Crucial P2 NVMe
256 GB Samsung SSD 850
256 GB Samsung SSD 840
PSU be quiet! Pure Power CM L8 @ 530 W
Case Antec P100
According to some benchmark, the new CPU should be 4 faster when all cores are used and 1.5 faster for a single-threaded workload. Compiling an arbitrary3 kernel provides a 3 speedup. Before:
$ lscpu -e
  0    0      0    0 0:0:0:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
  1    0      0    1 1:1:1:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
  2    0      0    2 2:2:2:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
  3    0      0    3 3:3:3:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
$ CCACHE_DISABLE=1 =time -f '  %E' make -j$(nproc)
[ ]
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/vmlinux.bin
  AS      arch/x86/boot/header.o
  LD      arch/x86/boot/setup.elf
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/setup.bin
  BUILD   arch/x86/boot/bzImage
Kernel: arch/x86/boot/bzImage is ready  (#1)
$ lscpu -e
  0    0      0    0 0:0:0:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  1    0      0    1 1:1:1:0          yes 4650.2920 2200.0000
  2    0      0    2 2:2:2:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  3    0      0    3 3:3:3:0          yes 5073.0459 2200.0000
  4    0      0    4 4:4:4:0          yes 4932.1279 2200.0000
  5    0      0    5 5:5:5:0          yes 4791.2100 2200.0000
  6    0      0    0 0:0:0:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  7    0      0    1 1:1:1:0          yes 4650.2920 2200.0000
  8    0      0    2 2:2:2:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  9    0      0    3 3:3:3:0          yes 5073.0459 2200.0000
 10    0      0    4 4:4:4:0          yes 4932.1279 2200.0000
 11    0      0    5 5:5:5:0          yes 4791.2100 2200.0000
$ CCACHE_DISABLE=1 =time -f '  %E' make -j$(nproc)
[ ]
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/vmlinux.bin
  AS      arch/x86/boot/header.o
  LD      arch/x86/boot/setup.elf
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/setup.bin
  BUILD   arch/x86/boot/bzImage
Kernel: arch/x86/boot/bzImage is ready  (#1)
Here we go for another seven years!

  1. The original power supply was from an older configuration. It suddenly became unable to reliably start the PC. The motherboard got replaced as it was the first suspect: without load, the power supply was working correctly.
  2. On Linux, many programs are unable to leverage hardware acceleration. This is a pity. On a laptop, this can also draws the battery pretty fast.
  3. The kernel is configured with make defconfig on commit 15fae3410f1d.

